Christian livingOvercoming SinProvision


Why is important that Jesus appeared to so many after the resurrection?  Because it puts to rest the human speculation that the resurrection was not real.

If the body had been stolen by the disciples, an appearance would not have been possible.  To appear to one would have left the possibility of a cover up, but 500 at one time?   Even the historical writers of the day make mention of it.  God’s plan perfectly points to His son and the reconciliation of the world through His death and resurrection.
Personal Reflection

I heard a phrase this weekend during our service. “Reason doesn’t contradict faith it strengthens faith”.  As you examine the life of Jesus, including His death and resurrection, do so with a mind of reason.  God’s Word will not only stand under the scrutiny of man’s reason, but will transform hearts in alignment with its truth.  If your faith isn’t where you think it should be, the cross is the place to start.  Paul concludes that if the death and resurrection weren’t real then we are believing in vain.

Prayer Focus

Father in heaven, help us not to leave reason out if our pursuit of knowing you.  You have given us this mind, guide us to diligently seek answers. May your Son’s life, death, and resurrection be solid facts of our faith. We praise you for your mercy and grace! We praise you for your perfect plan! And we praise you that you have called us out of darkness and into the light to do your will and your work.  Teach us your ways that we might walk in them unwavering, Amen!



