Christian living

With Freedom Comes Great Responsibility

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There are few things in life more precious than freedom. I’ve heard dozens of testimonies of people who have suffered under the hands of their own government. Now, citizens of the United States, these individuals are so thankful for the freedoms they have to work, buy property, and even vote. At the risk of sounding […]

Christian living

Have We Forgotten The Victory?

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Last night my children and I went to an event our church sponsored at a local Rec Center. The Saints vs. Vikings game was on and I’m not a fan of either team. As we played in the gym, I could hear the emotions being shouted from the room next door. The cheering and laughter […]

Christian living

God’s Vision For Us

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Everything God does comes from a vision He has; whether it is leading His people out of Egypt or reconciling them through Christ at the cross. He is working from His perfect vision. Not only does He have a vision for the universe for all eternity, but He also has a vision specifically for you. […]

Christian living

Watch Eagerly.

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As a dad to 22 children/adults, one of the things that drives me crazy is when I’m asked a question and then the requester doesn’t listen to the answer. You know, you’ve been there! One of my kids asks for something or queues up a major life question and I get excited about the possibility […]

Christian living

What’s My Mission?

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As you reflect on 2017 and plan for 2018, know this: If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, your mission is clear.  There are no age, gender, or socioeconomic requirements.  If you have surrendered your life to God, trusting completely in the person and work of Jesus, you are a disciple maker. Yes, your […]