Christian living

Standing In The Gap

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John Maxwell, in his Leadership Reading Plan shares the following qualities of a leader obtained from Ezekiel 22: 1 Consecration: They set themselves apart and remain committed to their call. 2 Discipline: They do what is right even when it is difficult. 3 Servanthood: They model a selfless life, lived for the benefit of others. […]

Christian living

The Greatest Gift

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While Jesus was most likely not born in December, this is the day we chose to celebrate the greatest gift ever given. He, Himself is the fulfillment of this prophecy and so many others. He is the answer to our heart’s cry, “Who are you LORD?” He is he only begotten Son(John1:14) and only begotten […]

Christian living

Give Them Coal For Christmas

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Holidays, unfortunately, can sometimes bring out the worst in us. Strained family relationships, drama, and even hurtful comments can take an awesome time of worshipping our Savior and turn it into a desire to give coal out of revenge. God’s Word advises us it’s ok to give coal, but in a different way that brings […]

Christian living

Suffering: What Is It Good For?

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There are few who enjoy suffering and most would avoid it all together if possible. We must recognize; however, it has its place in our process of being conformed to the image of Christ. For with tribulation and suffering comes a new level of dependence on our Heavenly Father. It demands a perseverance we otherwise […]

Christian living

Trial Or Joy

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I have heard it said that we only know 10% of most peoples situation. That leaves 90% a mystery. There are several that struggle through the holidays rather than enjoy them. It may be the loss of a loved one, a current battle with cancer, a prodigal son or daughter. In any event, the struggle […]